广东嘉美斯新型装饰材料有限公司是佛山市嘉美斯装饰材料有限公司扩大生产和经营规模后成立的公司。是新型烤漆木纹装饰材料行业的,公司以市场为导向, 一直潜心致力于装饰材料产品的研发和各种生产工艺技术的创新及生产、销售、服务于一体的国际综合经营型企业。价格公道,供货及时、诚信服务的精神来全力打造铝合金:木地板配件、地毯收边、踢脚线、橱柜封边、及其它家具装饰材料型材。继往开来,期待与 您携手共进!
Guangdong jiameisi new decorative material Co., Ltd. was established Foshan jiameisi decoration material limited company to expand the scale of production and management of the company. Is the founder of new paint wood grain decorative material industry, the company is with the market oriented, comprehensive international business enterprises have been devoted to R & D and a variety of decorative materials production technology innovation and production, sales, service in one. Reasonable price, prompt delivery, good ..【查看详情】